येशूकी केताङ ताङ ङोशु लाङ लङदाङकी मीतिवाला नरी छासे हालेवा लाङ्सुङ । लुूकाकी थेपला येशूकी क्यानीन नङ्गुप हालेवा लाकातिवा ताङ येन्देन्ला ल्हानी खोकी मिजी दोके दाक्पी मिजी क्योङ गोकिवी ।
- 2:07:53
येशु - लोक्ङ्यान तेरी
- 8:08
1 तेर ताङ सिनाङ थल्माला
- 3:42
2 येशूकी क्येताङ
- 2:15
3 Childhood of Jesus
- 3:47
4 यूहन्ना नेसुर येशुकी बप्तिस्मा
- 2:22
5 डेकी येशुला खोक्पा ल्हावु
- 3:07
6 Jesus Proclaims Fulfillment of the Scriptures
- 1:02
7 फरिसी ताङ से दुतुप मिकी पे
- 2:01
8 छासे हालेवा ङ्या जिम्दाङ
- 2:14
9 जाइरसकी पुम सेन्बु लावु
- 3:10
10 लोमातिवा पेतुप
- 1:02
11 Beatitudes
- 3:38
12 पोम्दोककी टोङ्गु
- 0:19
13 टोङ्गु ङ्येन्नी कला ङ्येन्दुप तिवा ति मोलम थोपुप तिवा यिन
- 2:56
14 पुम पेजा दिक्छ्येनला माफ नङ्गुप
- 0:43
15 हाम्पुम लोमातिवा
- 1:56
16 John the Baptist in Prison
- 2:18
17 सेन देपुप मिकी पे
- 0:55
18 Parable of the Lamp
- 1:58
19 Jesus Calms the Storm
- 2:16
20 Healing of the Demoniac
- 2:29
21 Jesus Feeds 5,000
- 1:23
22 Peter Declares Jesus to be the Christ
- 1:45
23 The Transfiguration
- 2:15
24 Jesus Heals Boy from Evil Spirit
- 0:57
25 The Lord's Prayer
- 2:23
26 Teaching About Prayer and Faith
- 0:54
27 Woe to Those Who Cause Others to Sin
- 0:28
28 The Kingdom of God as a Mustard Seed
- 0:29
29 Jesus Spends Time with Sinners
- 1:57
30 Healing on the Sabbath
- 1:38
31 Parable of the Good Samaritan
- 1:44
32 Healing of Bartimaeus
- 2:21
33 Jesus and Zaccheus
- 0:42
34 Jesus Predicts His Death and Resurrection
- 1:10
35 Jesus's Triumphal Entry
- 1:00
36 Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem
- 1:51
37 Jesus Drives Out Money Changers
- 0:45
38 Widow's Offering
- 0:59
39 Annas Questions Jesus's Authority
- 1:50
40 Parable of the Vineyard and Tenants
- 0:58
41 Paying Taxes to Caesar
- 2:55
42 The Last Supper
- 2:29
43 Upper Room Teaching
- 4:22
44 Jesus is Betrayed and Arrested
- 2:23
45 Peter Disowns Jesus
- 1:58
46 Jesus is Mocked and Questioned
- 1:43
47 Jesus is Brought To Pilate
- 1:24
48 Jesus is Brought to Herod
- 2:56
49 Jesus is Sentenced
- 3:34
50 Jesus Carries His Cross
- 2:49
51 Jesus is Crucified
- 0:56
52 Soldiers Gamble for Jesus's Clothes
- 1:06
53 Sign on the Cross
- 1:39
54 Crucified Convicts
- 1:45
55 Death of Jesus
- 2:00
56 Burial of Jesus
- 1:28
57 Angels at the Tomb
- 1:22
58 The Tomb Is Empty
- 1:55
59 Resurrected Jesus Appears
- 1:15
60 Great Commission and Ascension
- 5:40
61 Invitation to Know Jesus Personally